Wednesday, December 22, 2010

my newest priesthood holder!
me and my babes!
my goofballs!!!
my fam!
my two preisthood holders!!!
me and my hon!!!
my darling daughter!
my handsome boys. Collier got the Aaronic Priesthood today!!!
the kiddos!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A sweet reminder at Christmas!

I read a talk by Jeffrey R. Holland last night. The message was about the actual birth night of our Savior. He spoke lovingly but real about how Mary and Joseph must have felt during the events that led up to and after the birth. How Joseph, being a MAN, probably felt inadequate and too poor to raise the Son of God. He was so poor, he could not afford any room in the inn, nor could he provide any shelter and comfort for his espoused wife to lay and deliver. Mary had no family, no sisters or mother to comfort her in the frightening time leading to and into the labor. She had ridden on a donkey a hundred miles to Bethlehem in the very last bit of her pregnancy. (I don't know about any of you, but I didn't go ANYWHERE in my last month at all, let alone travel by foot and donkey while by body was preparing to deliver.) I do not think I would have been so tolerable to deliver in a stable full of animal hair and feces. How degraded Joseph must have felt for her and himself along with delivering the Son of God, Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords, in such conditions. But pride was swept aside, feelings of unworthiness, and concern for better comforts as the Heavens poured out angelic Hall Le Lu yahs, the animals became lowly and reverent, and the night grew dark and still, as Mary delivered the King of Kings and Lord of all. How true this day, as well as that night, to remember that Christmas is about a baby. The babe of hope, life, living water, salvation, love, mercy, and eternal life. We do not need to stress ourselves about Christmas parties, decorations, and Santa wish lists, but to reverently teach and remind ourselves as well as our children, that Christmas is just that, Christ. As Heavenly Father blessed us with the first gift of Christmas, may we bless others around us with that same gift; the knowledge of our Savior. That he lives and has atoned for the sins of the world. He has broken the bonds of death, both physical and spiritual that we may return to our royal Father in Heaven, who is waiting ever so patiently for our safe and joyous return!

May the still, reverent, joy and wonder of that night, be planted in your hearts this Christmas, and all year long. May you feel the Power and Majesty of His love for you. He is the gift you can give and receive this Christmas! "The miracle can happen for you and to you!"(Scrooged)

Wishing all my family and friends the most joyous Christmas and New Year!!!!

love with all my heart,
Valerie and family.


have you ever had a moment ou desprately wanted back??? I am sure you have! Mine was the other night, when I pulled out the camera to capture willie's 40th birthday. I turned it on to take a pic when the memory card flashed that it was full. In my haste to delete a feew unwanted photos to make room for the new, I accedently deleted ALL of the pictures and videos on it! I want to cry, but I won't. All that was deleted was Halloween, Thanksgiving with my mom, and the first snow falls and sleddings of the season! OK, I think I will cry now. I had some sweet treasures on that thing! Technology, so easy to capture, so easy to erase! uggg. so bummbed!
Aisy took this pic! quite the little photographer!!!
me and my hun sittin' atop the world!
kids viewing the view! Jake, Aisy, Kaylee, Braden, Austin, and Collier!
visiting the BlueRidge Parkway!
winter snow on the mountain!

Friday, November 5, 2010

photo update to follow soon, I promise!!!

We had such a great Halloween this year. Collier and Austin helped Willie set a haunted trunk for our Trunk-or-treat this year. It was a hit! Collier was a ware wolf, Austin a mad scientist, Aislynne was a ballerina witch, and Braden was a Dinosaur. (his latest obsession) It was really fun to set up the trunk-or-treat with great friends and to see the children frolic in the cool autumn air. Aisy also celebrated her 4th birthday and started Ballet, and now it is the Holiday time! We have so many great pictures to share. I will try and post them this weekend! love to you all. we miss you.

Catching Up with myself!

Ok, so I have been really bad about blogging lately. I think it is because once I started school, I have no free time to myself...EVER!! so, in an effort to record the goings on in our household, I had better get blogging!

First, I am feeling quite happy at present. I am loving the place I live. I am witnessing Earth change wardrobes once again. I can't believe it has already been a year! Time has certainly flown. I am nestled on the couch with laptop warming my legs and fire popping and crackling in the fireplace. I softly hear the breathing of my slumbering Braden (he is sick with an earache and is in need of his Mama being near, this secretly excites me, for he doesn't usually need me anymore). Anyways, moving on, I sit and see the wonder of God in my daily life, no, not the panoramic view that is my backyard for the time being and it is such a wonder, but of His daily wonder within the walls of my home. My family has been tremendously blessed this year, and so following our Prophet Thomas S. Monson's talk on Gratitude, I think I will indulge myself in remembering and pondering the wonder that has settled on my humble family. Bare with me....

It is easy for me to count the things that are not in my possession as of yet, that are some of my greater desires. Things that I have wanted for a while and have worked for, but have not been given. Things like my own house, my furniture, pictures, belongings, a yard, a new van, new clothes for myself and my ever growing family. But I have found that these recurring thoughts only lead me down the road of anxiety, misery, and self loathing. I hate the feelings of misery, defeat, and self-loathing. They make me feel like I am not worth a dang thing! Here is the funny thing, long ago, once upon a time, I knew I was worth EVERYTHING. What happened to me? So, I resolved to change, not my situation because that couldn't change as of then, or now, but I could change my attitude. That is not very easy to do......but.......

I did.

I am now waking each morning with the thoughts of Gratitude, rather than the missing things in my life. I am now counting my true blessings and pondering the words of my Savior, daily. This inspires me to remember my commitment to Him, myself, and my family. Here is what I have been blessed with this year, and the year isn't even over yet!

I started college. I did! I am nearly finished with my freshman year! Yahoo! I love it. I feel smarter, able, happy, challenged, like my old self...but way better. I have all "A's" except for one "B." I can't remember the last time my grades were so good. Maybe elementary school! It has been a struggle to schedule school as part of my everyday life, but as my mom always says, "Time goes by, no matter what you do, so make what you do count!" I plan to Mom! I am going to school to eventually achieve my Psych Doctorate in Neuroclinical psychology for children. I have been narrowing this down and have found the actual field that drives me. I am so excited!

My husband will shortly be attending school with me. His goal is to become a teacher. (something he is a natural at)

I underwent a hysterectomy this past summer and with the help of my family and extended family, I have made a full recovery and have seriously never felt better! I have so much more energy and zest for life. I feel like I can do anything I want. My body seems to be so thankful for this surgery. I had my nerves, but the most capable, wonderful doctor took extreme pity on me and blessed me with a textbook operation and recovery! I only suffer with hot flashes. (a small price to pay, I think) I think it is weird to go an entire month and forget that pain hasn't arrived as it used to. Feeling fabulous!

My family has enjoyed good health this year, My husband has found a job in which he loves and is great at. He likes the challenge and the people he works for. My calling at church has quickly blinked by me this year and I have learned so much from it. My counselors in Primary are the best support and I could never do it all myself, they are my right and left hands, not to mention half my brain at times! The children are dear to me and I really mean that! I love my calling still, after a year and a half! wow, has it already been that long? My Father in heaven has blessed my family specifically with the spiritual needs and has blessed us so that Willie can be at home in the evenings with us. The older boys needed him so. Now, he is preparing my eldest son to receive the priesthood next month! I can't believe it! Collier will be 12 in four weeks! What a young man he has grown into. I couldn't be prouder of him. Family home evenings now seem to feel complete and so sweet! They are my favorite times of each week. We share so many spiritual moments with each other as well as laughs!(but I am sure that last part isn't surprising with Willie and my older boys)

It has been a privileged to learn Heavenly Father's will for me and my family at His time and in His ways. I have been so blessed to raise the best children on earth. This time of year has brought my thoughts to Him and my specific blessings. I truly believe that the secret to the happiest life is through our Savior, Jesus Christ. His mercy is sufficient for me. "If any man be willing to thrust in his sickle and reap, let him reap and he will be called of God to do His work."
(D&C chapter 11.) I am thrusting my heart and mind and soul in to His work. That is my calling on earth, to teach others of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have never been happier than I am now, living His ways and doing His work. I am far from perfect, but through Him, I am made whole! These words have comforted me and inspired me this year. I submit my will to His, and I am happier for it! The thing I am most thankful for is this knowledge that my Savior lives, loves me, and I love Him. His Gospel is real, living,and true. I think I am so blessed to know this without a doubt. It is entwined within my soul and has become the very core of me. To Him, I am most grateful.

As for the other stuff....all in His time:)

I will close with the blessings of a deeper friendship with my husband and a new stage of life. I also have been tremendously blessed with some of the sweetest most real friends a gal could ever have. My friends here in Franklin are my support net and my source for laughter, spiritual growth, and FUN! I feel privileged to know them and their sweet families. Thank you all for loving us, even Willie! You guys are so awesome!

My family is in all agreement that for now, there is nowhere else we'd rather be and no other family we'd rather be.

It is such a great blessing to feel .....Happy!

well, Braden has awoken and is needing my attention! awww! How I love this little guy!

Monday, August 30, 2010

summer pictures!

i promise to post summer pictures soon, there are too many that i love and i have to weed through them. some are hysterical and others darling. so, bare with me as i slowly get back into the swing of living again.


I know that i have not been writing lately on the family blog due to some busy summer plans, but now, as summer has past and the kids are delivered safetly back to school, I feel the urge to write and up date you ,as well as myself, of the changes this blessed summer has brought me and my family.

first, i ran away from home. I did. i needed to remove myself from my everyday schedule and to see my best friend have her third daughter. I have been to her others, it was tradition. I made plans six months in advance to run away. as the time aproached, my anxiety rose. it was for 4 weeks that i would be away from home. i was excited more, so i ignored my anxious issues, closed my eyes and JUMPED!!! All the way to utah!

Ok, so. i didn't really RUN away from home, I flew away from home. it was easy. all i had to do is pack up my two youngest kids, their bags, buy tickets, remember to pack the tickets, pack for myself, entertain a 3 and 4 year old on a plane a total of 4 times, go without sleep for 3-4 weeks straight, drive to florida, pack up the rest of our storage and haul it to NC. All this with kids in tow, CONSTANTLY. come home, prepare for surgery, have surgery, then slowly recover....still recovering:) get the kids prepared for school, and drop them OFF!


Easy, right! i was a nervouse wreck to fly with two kids by myself! i was terrified to have surgery. but i was blessed with the best Summer of my entire life!!!!! with the help of my best friend, her loving husband and their darling daughters, I was able to enjoy so many things that I never thought i would see or hear. I got to meet my new niece, hold her and love her. I got to see my daughter and son, re-aquaint themselves with there beloved cousins. i got to giggle like school girls with my best friend. i got to cuddle my youngest child, my last, in the middle of the night, wrapped in my arms. i saw my mom play with my children at the beach. i saw my older boys re-connect with their best friends and cousins. i saw my mom-in-law give up her summer to help me recover and keep the kids alive and very well fed!! I recieved blessings from my husband and support from my little mighty church branch! I saw myself pulling through all that terrified me because i had help along the way. people holding me up on the left side. the right side and the front and the back! I even was blessed with the nicest, sweetest nurses on all the earth. I saw my husband get out pranked by his neice and nephew and play like a kid again. I saw my oldest son, mature and turn into a young man. I am so proud of him. This summer proved to me the power of love. unconditional love. it can move mountains, as it did for me.

The blessings of this summer far out weigh the cost and risk and worry. I am reborn because I know who i am, now and forever, i am valerie. I am loved tremendously and i always will be. I matter to me, to others, and to God. I know my Savior is real, and He is my living Friend. I see the power of His love, sacrifice and mercy in my life reflected through my family, my friends, and my Heaven Father. I have seen many miracles. I know who sent them. i have been given four perfect babies, one at a time to bless me and help me grow. each one as different as a snowflake. I have been given mercy, forgiveness, unconditional love, happiness, comfort, joy, health, family, friends, and tenderness.....

....................and i have learned to give those back.

Thank you to everyone who helped me and my family out this summer! I'll never forget your love.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

the miracles of may 20th!!!

so glad that we gave mom walz the best birthday presant ever!!! no body can top this one...jeanenne! lol we love that braden and mom walz can share ther special day!!! love you mom and braden! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE AND BRADEN!!!

my little turtle boy! so new and sweet.

Braden's actual birthday!!!!

tiny baby braden blue!!!

who knew then, that this little baby would have the biggest personality and adventures? sweet baby blue!!!

special gift from GOD!!! so sweet and perfect!

daddy's favorite!!!

GO DOLPHINS....!!!!! oh, so cute!

demonstration from Braden......

he's just gonna laugh in the face of breast cancer...he is demonstrating power over the disease!!! love that silly boy! he thought himself quite the clown!!!

where in the world is....BRADEN SEAN WALZ?

it's like a "where's waldo" i guess! he thought this was so funny!

Beasey Boy Blue...down for a snooze!


Braden Blue now is 2!!!

love this boy's form and action!!! he is the cutest and funniest kid to watch!!! never a dull moment!

Happy Birthday Braden Sean Walz!!! the big 2~

This is our WII little boy! he loves to play it and loves the new car steering wheel as well! just check out his form! the kid is talented!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

for my MOTHERS on mother's day.....

"I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp. I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children. I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed some one's garden. I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived."
Marjorie Pay Hinckley-

To my mothers on Mother's Day...thank you for being such great examples of strong women in these latter-days. Thank you for your testimonies and faith shared with us throughout our lives together. Thank you for your unconditional love, guidance and support throughout our toughest moments in life. Thank you for laughter, stories and memories that fill our hearts and souls. Thank you for our lasting impressions upon us and the women you have become. We look up to you as does our sons and daughter. We are truly grateful to know you and to have been a part of you and your lives. We love you and wish you the best on this Mother's Day.--Valerie and Willie

Momma Walz Mother's Day tribute

Momma Walz, just wnated to wish you a happy Mother's Day and send you our love. Know that we are thinking of you and can't wait to see you soon. You have always been such a strength and comfort to us! hope you enjoy your Day!

love from all of us

Momma Eliis' Mother's Day tribute part 1

Now that you have seen the first half.....

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion.

click on next video to view conclusion.

Mamma Ellis mother's day tribute.....

Happy Mother's Day, MOMMA!!! I don't know if you heard in the video, but the reason we got this plant for you is because it reminds us of your past but it is fighting for your future as well as your daughters' and grandaughters' futures. we see it everyday and are grateful that you are still here to share your love and life with us. Your are the best!

love from all of us,


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

coming back up for air

well the holidays are over. they were quite surprisingly wonderful. i had such delightful company and the Christmas/new year's celebrations were surely ones to remember. with that said...

"I'm coming back up for air!"

yes, i need fresh air, new life...and the Internet! during the wonderful holidays, my computer decided to get quite a few nasty viruses and well, simply tried to give up the digital ghost. ...or so we thought. our friends came over for dinner and well, as good friends go, they decided to help us in our dire need, feeling so sorry for our lack of technical connections. a few miracles were able to be performed that night in order to restore what our computer was trying to take to the grave. we now are back on line better than ever. thanks to the Loverns and their selfless concern for our digital well-being. i love you guys. you'll never know what it meant for me to return to the tech world that i live in.

friends, let me paint you a horrible picture of what it was to be without my link to cyberspace. you'll feel just as bad as the Loverns did, i assure you.

i have a primary calling at church in which i totally stunt my own imagination and copy others ideas on line, just to get me going:) so to speak. that's what i tell myself. anyways, i had to depend on others computers and others time for that. it was fine, but very hard for me not to access what i knew would take seconds for me in the resent past.

another reason is that willie and i love to jump onto the Internet to see up coming movies, and other trivia. we love to access info to prove each other wrong, or right on my part, hahahah. yes, we are quite the trivia nerds.

then there's this reason. i and my siblings and bestest friend in the whole world live thousands of miles apart now. and i am very close to them. i consider it a blessing when i reflect on the family i was born into. so even though i call them all frequently, i also chat and keep up with them via facebook/email and yahoo groups. this is my LIFELINE. i sit, quite pathetically checking my email and facebook accounts to see which sibling responded to my links or chats. i live in breathless anticipation to hear of any such news or words that let me peek into the lives of those whom i care most about in the world. i know..sad huh? but to be honest, it makes me feel like a part of their lives still. a feeling i am desperately trying to maintain, being so far away. if i have a lost connection, i feel lost myself. part of me resides with them, lingering somewhere in cyberspace. so imagine after being habitually attached to this Internet, loosing the connection all together, with no hope of when i would return, well, you might as well bury me now.

indeed i was lost. i felt buried beneath the world. caught in a time before technology took off. i felt behind in the news of the family connection. i felt lonely, sad, and i know i badgered my bff more than normal because i needed some news and some adult to talk to during my long solitary confinement. thanks to Tiffany, i was able to tread sanity. that's what bff's are for, right? thanks, Tiff. my kids thank you as well. ha ha

anyways back to my point see. i need air, fresh air, new life that breathes into me the love and connection of my loved ones through the magnificent, often taken for granted, invaluable Internet. but above all, my head is above the earth, no longer buried beneath, lonely and forgotten. i rise now to join the world in the ridiculous facebook cliches and the email forwards that we never forward and the wonderful world of blogging. hello all my friends and family...I'm back!

seriously, thanks to the Loverns and their friendship and mostly Josh's genius technical abilities that rival bill gates, I'm sure:) you've saved my life and possibly my children's lives, as now i won't go in sane being left solely to them and their ways.

i can breath again.