tonight was our older boys' Christmas music program at their elementary school. it is the last year that both of them will be in elementary school, because here in Franklin, the children will attend a new school for grades 5 and 6. it will be nice, but terrifying at the same time. anyway back to my story, see. i was again a single parent this night, as Willie was at work. the two youngest kids ready for bed but excited to be skipping the night time ritual for any excuse, were bouncing off the walls. with Santa hats and reindeer antlers in hand, we set out to experience some "Christmas Joy."
upon arrival i realize we were right on time and that meant no parking...anywhere. we parked way out in the woods, or at least way out of the parking lot and across the road from the school. this was a great beginning to the night, because it meant i got to walk a long distance in the cold and darkened parking lot to enter the building clear on the other side. yeah, me. (find that Christmas Joy yet?) but i put on my best"i can do anything" attitude and strode off with purpose, baby in arm and three year old holding my hand. we make it to the gym in a timely manner. it's packed. no seats, barely any wall space to speak of. alas i find a spot against the wall pretty close to the front. i would have to stand, but what ever it takes to support my boys, right? right!
the program begins, the babies get excited and want me to hold them both. i struggle for a minute or two, but suddenly an angel in disguise appears. she was seated at the end of one of the rows of many happy filled seats. she turns and asks Aislynne if she would like to stand on her lap to watch the program. Aislynne almost shy, doesn't hesitate long. she excitedly jumps on the angel's lap and happily watches the program as if she were nobility. i hold Braden in my arms and talk with him throughout the program to keep him engaged in what is going on around him. he enjoys it alot.
the program was darling, partly because it didn't last very long and partly because the music was upbeat and fun. then the "Night Before Christmas" is told in a new version involving the principal and his entire staff. it is cute and funny. but at the end, i find myself smiling the most.
(not because it was over:)
the principal of the little elementary school, in our little mountain town of Franklin, stood and asked everyone else to stand. he then preceded to say that the program was filled with fun and excitement as is the holiday season, "but let us not forget," he said, "that at this time of year, we need to be thankful for the blessings given to us by our Savior." he asked that we all remember the reason for Christmas, and shared his gratitude with all of us, that he is still here with us. last year he suffered a severe hear attack and was out most of the last semester of school. he was so thankful to God to be able to be living and working with the students once more. this is his last year, he will retire after this year is over.
but i wanted to tell you this because after his words, he asked us to sing all together "Silent Night" while holding a neighbor's hand.
this struck a cord with me, because it seems more this year than ever before, people are upset that "Christ" is being taken out of Christmas. i feel that that isn't so. not as much as you may think. we still need a God, a Savior and we still need to feel and share that knowledge and love with each other.
so, as i stood there in the elementary school's over crowded gym singing Silent Night acapella style with a bunch of strangers, my heart swelled at the proper recognition in such a public place, of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior, Lord of Lords. of His mercy and love for each and every one of us. it was neat. as i was leaving, the angel lady told me she had been in my shoes a long time ago and remembered how she had once been helped, like she had helped me. the Christmas Spirit is out there, in abundance. people masquerading as angels and spreading good cheer and kindness. simple kindness and simple words of proper recognition were all that was needed to find the TRUE Christmas Spirit that was laying dormant inside of me, trying to come out. and i am grateful that i was witness to it's power and positive force for good this evening. thank Heaven for that special Silent Night, that miraculous Holy Night.
beautiful. what a great story!