Monday, June 20, 2011

Ends with a ...BANG!!!

This yschool year has been difficult for the children. The boys missed tons of school due to many different and unexpected issues. Collier struggled all year again with Math. Austin's grades at one point even dipped into the "B's." YIKES! At the end of the year, the boys take end of grade tests. This year Collier had to re-take the Math portion. Willie and I prepared him for the possibility that he would not pass the sixth grade if he had to repeat Math. (Mind you his math grades throughout the year were a rollercoaster on a graph chart). The second time around...with baited breath...we waited anxiously for him. He was not nervous however, because he felt he did well. This was not enough conviction for us to hang on to, so we waited....

He not only passed the math portion but scored an entire level higher, two points shy of the highest marking!!!

we breathed, we celebrated, we laughed with joy and pride for his hard work!!!

Austin and Collier not only passed their grades but BOTH got on the Honor Roll. That has not happened since they were in first and second grades:)

They joined the swim team, had their first meet last Thursday....
They did AMAZING!!! Collier even won the "Heat ribbon" for breast stroke!

Austin was just a fewstrokes behind him!!!

Aislynne had her end of year Ballet recital. Her first ever! She was so adorable, I couldn't stand it! She was a mother's dream. I also think she has fell in love this summer......with the stage!!! She felt right at home on that big black stage where she danced like a princess and everybody watched her. She was in HEAVEN!! She was made for dancing and for the life on the stage.

....and that leaves...Braden....

Braden, the same week this was all going down with the other children, desided to step it up and receive his well earned attention and became a big boy with potty training!!!

...That's right jealous...
My last baby is no longer in diapers!!! ha ha ha life was so great that week. The good Lord was definitely watching over my children and blessing them in the hour most needed for their maximum performance!!!

I could not be prouder or more grateful!!!

(I have video of Aisy's recital and of the boys swim meet, but my computer will not allow these to be added. I'll figure it out and post them soon.)

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